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Wintersemester 2006/07

Blockseminar: Professional Skills for Computer Scientists.

In this seminar we will on the one hand work out theoretically which professional skills are important for the work of computer scientists. The main focus will be on abilities and skills that are not traditionally taught at universities, like communication skills, presentations skills, management skills etc. On the other hand we will do many exercises to train these skills as far as it is possible in the context of a seminar. The seminar will take place as a block seminar (3 days). The date for the seminar will be arranged on the preliminary meeting on the 25th of Octobre, personal attendance at this meeting is necessary. contact: Karin Kleinn


(preliminary discussion) 25.10.2006, 18:00–20:00




IIG Seminarraum, 2.OG
Friedrichstr. 50, 2.OG


Prof. Dr. Britta Schinzel
Karin Kleinn


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