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 Vorlesung Angebot SoSe 2001 


The rapid proliferation of digital libraries, database management systems, and the online information services along with the traditional publication media makes it harder to organise information in a structured form. The information overload makes it difficult to interpret and digest these information as readily as they are accumulated and consequently there is an increase in uncertainty and complexity. However, in the recent years some data mining techniques have been evolved to organise information in a logical manner.

Scientometric is one such tool by which the state of science and technology can be observed through the overall production of scientific literature, at a given level of specialisation. It helps to develop descriptive statistics, multidimensional analyses, and graphical representation of the output of science. It is often used to clarify and assist in the analysis and formulation of science policy by (i) highlighting the networks of players or subjects that make up scientific research, (ii) providing strategic analysis of the relative position of research performers, (iii) sketching profiles of the activities and performance of individual centres, (iv) graphically presenting studies of strategic or innovative subjects.

It is a means for situating a country in relation to the world, an institution in relation to a country, and even individual scientists in relation to their own communities. These scientific indicators are equally suitable for 'macro' analysis (e.g. a given country's share in global output of scientific literature over a specified period) and 'micro' studies (e.g. a given institute's role in producing papers in a highly circumscribed field of science). They constitute a way to assess the current state of science, which can help shed light on its structure. By providing new information, scientometric can be an aid to decision-making and research management.

This course would explain the practical application of scientometric techniques in organising the science and technological information.

Gez. Prof. Dr. Britta Schinzel, Prof.(india) Dr.(india) Suriya M. Thevar

Zeit: Fr, 14-16.00
Beginn: 27.04.2001
Ort: Seminarraum 2.OG, Friedrichsstr.50