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Lehre Angebot WS 2003/04

Gender and Particular Technologies (3 ects)

In this series of seminars participants will study a topic of their choice and write a paper (in English) for group discussion. A range of topics will be provided for participants to choose from, all of them related to gender and technology. Most of these will involve looking at some aspects of a particular technology in depth. The emphasis for the content of these is what is actually happening and how this relates to theory. The suggested topics will include:

  • Statistics from Germany on gender ratios and trends in engineering education and employment.
  • Attempts to improve gender balance in the computing industry.
  • Critical discourse analysis of, say, a German trade newspaper (computing, building trade, etc.) showing how the different genders are portrayed.
  • A comparative study of uptake in ICT by women and girls education in different European countries.
  • Problems arising from following essentialist ideas in a particular technological industry and in education.
  • Differing impacts of medical technology on men and women.
  • Domestic technology: its origins, its rate of development, and the role of women in designing it.


  • Sandra Harding (1986) The Science Question in Feminism. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
  • Evelyn Fox-Keller (1985) Reflections on Gender and Science, Newhaven and London: Yale University Press.
  • Merchant, Carolyn (1980) The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution, New York: Harperand Row.

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Studienschwerpunkt: Gender Studies, I&G

In dem Seminar kann ein benoteter Schein für Gender Studies und/oder I&G erworben werden. Der Erwerb von 3 ects-Punkten für Informatik-Studierende ist möglich.

DozentIn: Dr. Frances Grundy
Zeit: Do 14-16 Uhr
Beginn: 16.10.2003
Ort: Seminarraum des IIG, Friedrichstr. 50, 2. OG