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What high-resolution EEG can tell us about cortical motor control.

Prof. Dr. Rumyana Kristeva,
Neurologic University Clinic 
The general mission of the Cortical Motor Control Laboratory is to understand the physiology of normal human voluntary movement and the pathophysiology of different involuntary movements (tremor, writer's and musician's cramp, tics and myoclonus). The main techniques employed are high-resolution electroencephalography (EEG), neuroimaging with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and biomechanics. 
Another area of interest has been the cortical activation during music execution and imagining. We showed that the Broca area and its right-hemispheric homologue are crucial in both preparation for and during music execution and imagining. The neuronal networks of these areas may have “mirror neuron” properties that underlie observation or imagining of one’s own performance.

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Montag, 15.01.07 !!!14.45h!!!
Seminarraum des IIG, Friedrichstraße 50, 2. OG rechts